June 24-28


"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2

Get excited for VBS at Ogletown! Our beach-inspired theme this year is called "Breaker Rock Beach" and focuses on teaching kids about God's rock solid truth in a wold of shifting sands. Each year, VBS is one of the biggest events our church takes part in. In years past, well over 200 children have come to hear the Gospel and to be served by more than 100 volunteers who have chosen to give of their time to serve God, their church, and the world. As we begin to plan for VBS 2024, we’re looking for volunteers to help in various ways to fit any skill level or availability. To register to volunteer, fill out the registration form below and we'll be in touch!

WHEN: June 24-28, 8AM-12:30PM; Thursday, June 27 has a Family Night wrap-up celebration in the evening.

WHO: Volunteering is open to OBC members and regular attenders; all adults over 18 years old must consent to a background check. Volunteers 6th-8th grade must have a parent on-site. Preschool VBS (2+) and childcare (under 2) is available for children of volunteers - and, yes, we need volunteers for preschool as well!

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Email our Kids Connection Elementary Director, Barbie Coleman: bcoleman@ogletown.org.

We're looking forward to working alongside you this summer!